Friday, September 08, 2006

I've got an associate of mine who is an absolute wonderful coach and has some fr*ee teleconference calls going on nxet week. I will be on these calls as well.
Come join us at
Dates and times are listed there.

Sign up here for the 2 preview calls Sept 12th and 19th at 4PM Eastern (1PM Pacific) where we will outline what you will learn and answer any questions.

Hope to meet you there!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Note: This is a post from my other BLOG. I didn't like the name but I loved the article I wrote. So I transfered it here. This was written January 18/06
I write a private newsletter and had written something on how the brains creates motivation. Obviously it wasn't enough information because here is one of the responses I got.“I am always amused that people have such a simple answer for such a confusing problem. When you are kids 'experts' call your negative attitudes ADHD, ADD or some other medical term (usually a behaviour disorder) and you are forgiven for your bad attitude and angry outbursts as we try to figure out a cure for your diagnosis. Excuses are made for your whining, crying and lack of effort in any form because you have a learning disability or a behaviour disorder. Then, all of a sudden you are an adult and those same 'experts' tell you all you have to do is think positive and your life will be great. Sorry...until we can hold kids accountable for their behaviour and stop making excuses for their lack of discipline we will continue to have adults who have no idea how to be happy. To simply think positive is a farce. If people knew how to think positive they would already be doing it but they are so wrapped up in making excuses for themselves (and now their children) that we have a viscous cycle. It should be very easy for someone who 'has it all' to think more positive than someone who has to struggle for things. Isn't it interesting that it seems to be the kids who do 'have it all' that do the most whining.” My Reply went like this: Wow. I agree wholeheartedly. This process is different. There is medical documentation that this idea of creating new ‘mindmaps’ for behaviour, actually works for people suffering from OCD behaviour. It works so well they can remove these people off of medication. It also has been proven to work with brain injury or stroke victims. They can actually change the outcome of their behaviour and physical abilities by changing their thinking patterns. They have visual documentation of a brain dendrite actually growing one hour after re-thinking your though process and they have medical documentation on the body actually releasing endorphins to give you that Aha and motivational inspiration that you need to stick with a change in behaviour.This is WAY new stuff and too cool. What actually started the whole thing was the medical research of stroke victims learning to walk and talk (despite medical belief it was impossible) because they were TOLD they "REALLY could learn to walk and talk if they wanted to and changed their mind about the possibility of it". There would be a measurable increase in brain development, endorphins would be released and after repeating the process of rethinking what they, the stroke victim, could do they actually started to walk and talk again. There is medical research going on at NYU and UCLA right now. So its not airy fairy stuff. They started with the tough stuff and now have decided that if it works so well with stroke victims, and mentally ill people, imagine what the techniques could do for people with minor issues and within a "therapy" model.Did you know, that at birth there are only brain cells with a few connections within the brain i.e. breathing, eating and sleeping? ALL connections in the brain are made after birth and based solely on what and how a baby experiences life. It is so undeveloped that, at birth, a baby can know it IS being touched but not WHERE. Not until you touch a baby several times is a “map” set up in the brain the tells a baby WHERE it is being touched. All sensory maps are created in specific order too. The maps are created starting with the mouth and working down to the toes. Which makes sense right? Since a baby’s most important thing to do is eat and sleep. What this all means is that the maps you create in your mind about everything are created in such a unique way as to be the same as individual fingerprints. No two people have the same mindmaps about how to react to ANYTHING. Anything that is a compulsion or an obsession is a “false direction” on our maps or faulty signals in the brain. You can alter these maps and create new ones by being 1.) Aware of what you are doing and wanting to change what you do 2.) Choose not to be “tricked” by the false directions or faulty signals your brain sends you 3.) Redraw your map i.e. deliberately act and believe another way is possible.They have proven that focussing on negative thoughts or compulsions creates a “rut in the path” of your map. In other words you keep building more dendrites and connections that make you STICK to the way you’ve always done something. Now if that doesn’t blow your socks off I don’t know what does.In answer to the original question, then I suppose you could say that labelling a child and treating them as if they were “sick” only reinforces and strengthens the maps these children have in their heads. However I am no medical doctor and not sure how the “faulty signals” work for all the ailments children tend to be diagnosed with when they don’t do well at school. I do know how it works with OCD because that is the research being done now and it is the example they used in the book I am reading(the Mind & The Brain by Jeffrey Schwartz, M.D.)Hope this isn’t boring you all to tears. I just found it so totally fascinating and exciting to realize that I have a lot of little issues that could be handled this way for myself.Next blog is the response to the second comment I received. I was unable to answer it at the time because I wasn’t at that stage of the book but I did finally reach it and it was interesting to say the least. The second question was in a conversation so I will paraphrase as best I can:“ What stops a person from going back to the ‘old ways’ once they have created a new path for the thoughts, to do a better thing, to go through their brain?” In other words once this new path to behave in a more positive way is created in our mindmaps what’s to stop us from going back to the old, nasty way of behaving?Then the blog after that…what that means to you as an individual and how to put it to practical use for yourself
Ah, my first post in the beginning of this revolution. This Blog will be linked to my Squidoo lens. You might need to read that first to see where my head is coming from.
My original journey from beginning to end is there so I won't repeat myself.
Today I am joining up with Toastmasters. As you have read I have lots to say and if I want to TRULY start this revolution of thinking I need to pare down how to present it. Any ideas anyone?
Do I need to explain why this works so effectively? Once I work with someone it tilts their perception so much it's never the same when it comes to thinking. You even ask yourself questions in a different way. My journal reads differently. I talk differently and when someone tries to give me advice and solutions instead of honoring how my mind works...........LOOK OUT!
Once you have thought this way there is no turning back. See what I mean about a Revolution?
I mean this affects everything!
- how you make decisions
-how you deal with your relationships
-how you resolve problems and even how you look at them
-how to enhance performance
-how to improve behaviour
-education, teaching, learning...
These are only the ones off the top of my head. Phew better slow down for today.