Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ah, my first post in the beginning of this revolution. This Blog will be linked to my Squidoo lens. You might need to read that first to see where my head is coming from.
My original journey from beginning to end is there so I won't repeat myself.
Today I am joining up with Toastmasters. As you have read I have lots to say and if I want to TRULY start this revolution of thinking I need to pare down how to present it. Any ideas anyone?
Do I need to explain why this works so effectively? Once I work with someone it tilts their perception so much it's never the same when it comes to thinking. You even ask yourself questions in a different way. My journal reads differently. I talk differently and when someone tries to give me advice and solutions instead of honoring how my mind works...........LOOK OUT!
Once you have thought this way there is no turning back. See what I mean about a Revolution?
I mean this affects everything!
- how you make decisions
-how you deal with your relationships
-how you resolve problems and even how you look at them
-how to enhance performance
-how to improve behaviour
-education, teaching, learning...
These are only the ones off the top of my head. Phew better slow down for today.

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